Friday, December 20, 2019

Danube River Cruise - 4/28/14

The adventure begins, four of the five geriatric but merry couples arrive near the appointed time at Eppley Airfield in Omaha, some by taxi, some with friends driving, some chauffeured by relatives, and one set under their own power.

There were some check-in stumbles but eventually each is ticketed with the correct name to match their current passport. On the way up to security check-in, it was quickly noted that all but me received TSA clearance - they were handed a yellow card and were allowed to prance on through with their toes covered and their soles protected. I on the other hand was to succumb to the unshod indignity of the "moose in glass cage" act.  Always a joy to my fellow travelers.

We were promised a bumpy ride to Chicago, but the pilots were not able to deliver; the flight was smooth.  There was a 45 minute layover in Chicago for the Frankfurt flight.  Certain team members did not think they could wait for dinner service, so scouted out various McDonald's and Chicago Dog offerings.

The 747 plane was not full; almost everyone had a seat between them.  A better service might have been enclosed closets for the screaming babies two rows ahead. As Business class is in the upstairs lounge of this model plane, I thought we should all chip in and buy these screamers an upgrade to business; that didn't fly.

Scheduled to land at 10:00 AM. on Tuesday morning. We then catch a 12:20 flight of one hour on to Prague where we will spend three nights and see the sights.

Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024

This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...