Friday, December 20, 2019

Danube River Cruise - 5/8/14

Up at 5:00 and out to check email and send email.  A cloudy day to start as we continue down the Danube to our destination of Budapest, Hungary.  We arrive around 8:30 AM and the view from the sun deck as Budapest appears in view. A magnificent sight as we round the bend from Marguerite Island. We dock three deep at the city pier and then off to a City Coach tour for three and one half hours. We learned quite a bit about this city of 1.8 million.  Many monuments and dazzling buildings.

We ended the tour with a walk through the food market, a large building lined with vendors selling produce, butcher's stalls souvenirs and much more.  Deb and I bought some supplies of Hungarian pepper, sweet, spicy and smoked, together with some sausage that we hope makes it through customs. 

Back to the ship for a late lunch and then, 8 out of 10 members retired to their cabin for a short rest (nap) while one pair ventured back into the shopping area for another go round.

Before dinner, we were treated to Hungarian folk dancers and music.  After a locally themed dinner, we cast off for an hour's ride up and down the Danube to see the City all lit up - quite a sight and many photos were taken, a lot deleted, and some good ones left to sort out upon our return.

Packed our bags for a morning departure from the ship and our last night in a hotel (Soffitel) here in Budapest before we leave on early departure Saturday morning for home.

Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024

This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...