Friday, January 24, 2020

Joslyn Castle Tour - Day 1 - Tuesday, October 8, 2018

This morning we depart Omaha for Albany, New York with our group of 21 friends (old and new) for a 4-day tour of western Massachusetts with friends and supporters of Joslyn Castle. We meet at 9:30 at Eppley Airfield for the first leg of our trip, headed to Chicago for a plane change.

As usual, full flights with all the tender handling that only U.S. carriers can provide. Although the instructions were to avoid checking a bag, not only to save the group possible time but to avoid $25.00 checked baggage charges, it was unavoidable that a few (eight) would check bags.

We depart on time and arrive in Chicago eight minutes ahead of schedule - great start. Unfortunately, no room at the gate - a stumble. We are only three gates away from our next departure - again a good sign. One of our party requires a wheelchair ride to the gate - not a good sign. The next flight is totally packed but we manage to get on and depart only 20 minutes behind schedule and wing eastward in the fiendish skies of United towards Albany.

An uneventful flight and again we arrive right on the dot. As our tiring crew struggles towards the baggage claim, Deb suggests that I sprint (not a pretty sight,) to grab the checked bags off the carousel. All arrive (passengers and luggage) without mishap and we flag down our 48 passenger (larger than expected) coach for the trip eastward to our eventual destination of Lenox Massachusetts.

With a stop at the bus barn to replace the microphone for the on-board sound system, we arrive at our destination around 7:00, the Zinc Bistro restaurant for our meal. Once we are settled at our table and the cocktails arrive, the party perks up. We enjoy a wonderful meal, renew or make new acquaintances and end the meal 2 hours later in a convivial and jovial manner. Back on our coach and on to the Yankee Inn, our home for the next three nights.

A long and tiring day, especially for our ever faithful leader, guide and organizer, the love of my life, Deb. She “done good” today and deserves her rest before the next three days of cat herding. The weather was good, the flights on time, no bags were lost and only one of the group took a fall - that was at the very end of the day, with no damage. (No, it wasn’t Deb!) Onward for another adventure.

June 13-16, 2024

Thursday morning we arose at a reasonable time; Abigail logged into work and Deb & Mark each took turns in the shower. This time a grani...