Wednesday, January 22, 2020

North Atlantic, Monday, May 2, 2016

Day beaks clear and calm in the port of Rekavjik, Iceland.  We set sail this afternoon, headed for a day at sea and then the Orkney Islands.  We are up and out to breakfast early.  By 9:00 AM, we are off the ship and onto a coach headed to town for a free morning.

First on our list is to locate a coffee shop with free wi-fi. We find, in the heart of old-town, a Cafe Paris, with excellent Illy coffee, a roll and unlimited free wi-fi.  First is to download yesterday's adventure letter to you all.  Second, is to checkout our email at something faster than the snail's pace from the shipboard satellite internet connection £15 for a four-hour session.  Just to upload the daily missive and download my day's email takes up to 45 minutes on board.  My, how dependent we have become on electronics and the speed of the Internet.

Next we had to add some books to my iPad Kindle app as I had read all the "real" books I had brought along and there is a lot of reading time left.

Deb then had to log into the web browser to conduct a little business.  However, the free wifi was paid for by a dependence on Facebook.  I do not have a Facebook account, but luckily Deb does.  Now the problem is to remember her password. 
Deb, trying to remember her password.  She was eventually successful, and so could attend to a final detail of her client's needs.

Next we are off to explore a little of the area on foot.  As we had been here three years ago, a lot was brought back to memory.  We wandered some shops, contemplated some purchases, but in the end decided there was nothing we needed.
Back to the bus and a return to the ship.  

We dropped our electronics and went to the Raffles Bistro for a sandwich out on deck and to watch our dew pasture from Rekavjik. Then down to the main lounge for a showing of "The Lady in the Van" with Maggie Smith.  Very cute.

Back to our room for some napping or reading, as the case may be.  Dinner again at 6:15; our table mates still ill, so we dined as a pair.  It was path night at the restaurant, so balloons, and towards the end of the meal, all waiters, assistants and others disappeared from the restaurant hall, only to reappear carrying a banner and singing a "We are Sailing" ditty as they marched through the dining room.  

We repaired to the lounge for some violin/piano music, a quick stroll on deck and then to our cabin for the night.  A quiet and relaxing evening.

June 13-16, 2024

Thursday morning we arose at a reasonable time; Abigail logged into work and Deb & Mark each took turns in the shower. This time a grani...