Wednesday, January 22, 2020

North Atlantic, Saturday, May 7, 2016

Up at 5:00 for this final day on m/v Magellan. As we had packed the night before, all we had to do was shower and throw our traveling paraphernalia into our carry-on luggage.  We were at the breakfast bar at 6:00 for coffee and some yogurt and rolls.  I decided against my full English breakfast today and opted to stick with minimum coffee.  A long day of travel with few restroom breaks ahead.  Likewise, Deb abstained from her morning diuretic medication.

At 6:45 we were the second couple in line for disembarkation.  You would think this was a German run vessel, as they did not open the gate until the stroke of 7:00.  We were off the ship and into the taxi by 7:06 for the 5 minute ride to the train station.  As we had missed our reserved seats on the 6:32 train, we had to purchase fresh tickets on the 7:38.  This train was a whistle stop, every small town got it's 60 second chance at fame.  We pulled in to the Haymarket stop at 9:00 and schlepped our bags out and across the station to the Airport Tram.  There is a bit of poor planning here, as while on the train, we passed the Edinburgh Airport some two stops back, but there is no train station at the Airport - curious.

The tram ride was 35 minutes out to the airport, but once there, we were able to check our bags all the way to Omaha, even though we were overnighting in Dublin.  Very convenient, although we will see how it works.  A bite to eat in the airport, and then off to Dublin - farewell Scotland or as the sign at the airport said "haste ye back."

We arrive in Dublin to fair temperatures ( 13 C) and slight rain, which clears off by the time we reach our hotel (Ashling Hotel.) Although this hotel is not in city Centre, it is only about 15 minutes walk and a very serviceable property.

We find our room and then out for a walkabout in Dublin.  We get to city Centre and act like tourists, rubbernecking up and down the streets.  We finally stop at The Mercantile on Dame street for an afternoon Guinness and wine.  We then start searching for a restaurant for dinner.  Up and down we go, an international cornucopia of restaurants; we decide that the Mercantile, from which we just departed was our best bet, so we trudge back.  I ordered a caesar's salad and Shepherd's Pie, Deb some mussels and the Shepherd's Pie.  Evidently I missed a bet in the mussels; Deb went orgasmic over them and would not share. She was truly impressed.  The Shepherd's pie was the best I have ever tasted.  As usual, the Guinness from a tap in Dublin is an entirely different and better taste than the export we have at home.  Excellent evening.

Last, we stroll down to the Temple Bar area to watch the kids beginning their Saturday night revelry and then catch a taxi back to the Hotel.  We stop for a nightcap of tea and wine in the hotel bar and then are back in our room and ready to hit the sack for our travel day tomorrow by 8:45 pm.  Thus ends our penultimate day of vacation.  We begin thinking about all we have to do upon our return home, but realize worrying never gets it done.  As Deb's bracelet says "EWOP," everything works out perfectly.

Thanks to all of you who have slogged through these abbreviated tales of our travels.  I apologize for all the typos - I seriously do read through this at least twice before I press send, so any errors are truly mine.  Dell, also, thanks for your email on your trip to the caverns - it hit the spot on a Sunday morning.  See all of you when we get back, at least those of you in Omaha, and the others when we next cross your threshold on some new adventure.

June 13-16, 2024

Thursday morning we arose at a reasonable time; Abigail logged into work and Deb & Mark each took turns in the shower. This time a grani...