Wednesday, January 22, 2020

North Atlantic - Tuesday, April 26, 2016

If we were on land, today would be a travel day, but on board ship we call it a day at sea.  And the sea was the main player in today's activities.  Very rough and choppy sea all day, with winds out of the north east at up to 40 knots per hour, with occasional gusts higher.  Never a let up, which makes walking around the vessel quite an adventure - much like a drunken sailor.

We were up at 6:00 and out to breakfast at 8:00.  Breakfast was served in all the dining rooms - and it was not a pre-seated affair.  We arrived and were directed to a table for eight where we visited with a new group of strangers - all citizens of the U.K. And all our age or older.  The food was standard breakfast fare, although baked beans were available - my personal favorite for breakfast.  We indulged in eggs, bacon, sausage, fruits and yogurt.  

After breakfast we explored our home away from home.  This ship has 10 available decks and everything we wanted to see or do was on a different deck.  Lots of steps and an occasional elevator.  One quickly learns in these seas to hold on at all times, particularly when climbing the steps.  It is comical to watch, and the number of people on board using canes or walkers makes for great theater.

We spent time in the Internet cafe, sending email, answering email and Deb doing some actual work.  As everything is via satellite communications, the download and upload time is significant and slows one down.  Internet time is expensive; purchased in 4 hour blocks, it adds up quickly.

Lunch time arrived sooner than expected, given we really had nothing to do.  Unfortunately, there is nothing to say about lunch, except that the food was bad and the service up to the same standard as the food.  We will need to adjust our attitude if we are going to last at this rate.

After lunch we were back in cabin to read and rest from our strenuous carooming off the walls and bulkheads.  Deb finished a novel and I started a new one.  Really a relaxing and pleasant afternoon.  Deb went back to the cafe to do some more work and I plowed through more of the novel.

Due to the rough seas, the evening gala Captain's presentation of officers and cocktail party were cancelled - I for one would rather have the Captain on the bridge in these rough seas, rather than downing alcohol in the company of a group of senior citizens.  However the "formal" dinner went on with people in a number of costumes.  My formal attire was accomplished with clean slacks and a sport coat, although I forgot to bring a tie and wasn't going to spend $75 on a new one from the shop for a one night meal.  Deb wore something in black - probably in respect of the dead food we were being served. Dinner this evening was seared salmon and potatoes.  Dessert was panacotta or cheese selection.

After dinner we had a nightcap in our newly favorite lounge and were in bed by 9:30, although we were up watching a movie for some time.  A relaxing day at sea.

June 13-16, 2024

Thursday morning we arose at a reasonable time; Abigail logged into work and Deb & Mark each took turns in the shower. This time a grani...