Mesa Verde to Phoenix
We started the morning by having a very good, but typically expensive
breakfast of biscuits and gravy, eggs, bacon, sausage and fruit at the Far
View Cafe. Again, as captives, we paid the $15 per person price, but it was
decent food. Next we headed for the park entrance and the Visitor’s Center
to make a few minor purchases and get our National Parks Passport
stamped (it’s a thing with seniors.)
Now on the road again by 8:30. Our route today is to cross northern Arizona
on US 160 to Tuba City, turn south on US 89, and drop past the Grand
Canyon to hook up with I-17 at Flagstaff, eventually into Phoenix by 4:30 PM.
Not overly ambitious but we are on vacation, or
at least I am. Deb of course is working, between
dropped phone calls in the mountains from
spotty service and not too bright reservation
agents, she manages to solve a few booking
problems and discuss some issues with clients.
We stop at Four Corners National Monument,
now operated by the Navajo Nation. $5 per
person entry for the opportunity to take a picture
and perhaps spend some money at the native
kiosks surrounding the central point. Bathrooms
were filthy but necessary as our coffee intake
from breakfast was catching up with us.
At Tuba City we stopped for gas and then
headed due south. Curious about the name
Tuba City, we looked it up on one of our
gadgets. Originally named for a Navajo Chief
Tuuvi, it morphed into Tuba City. It is the most
populous city on the Navajo Reservation and is
the headquarters of the western portion of the
reservation. The main headquarters is in
Shiprock in New Mexico.
At Flagstaff (elevation 7,000 ft.) the temperature drops to about 87 F outside
and clouds start to form. As we hop on I-17 for the last leg of today’s journey
it begins to sprinkle. As we pass south across the plateau and near San
Francisco Peak, we run into a thunder storm. Rain on the windshield quickly
clears the bugs, and the temperature drops to 63 F.
We start our descent into Phoenix from 7,000 feet down to 1,000 feet. The
drop in elevation was inversely matched by a raise in temperature. We went
from 63 F to 113 F. Although we expected to arrive by 4:30, we failed to
account for an extra free hour due to Arizona’s refusal to play the daylight
savings game. We gained an extra hour and arrived at 3:20. Good drive.
We loaded into Del and Karen’s home; Deb unloaded her computer into their
home office and went to work while I poured myself a cool drink. Around 6:15
we braved the heat and went out for a good hamburger, beef brisket
sandwich, pork chili verde (stew) and a chicken salad. Wine and more water
topped off the evening.
Back to the house and into the spa pool to cool down. 84F in the spa but still over 100F in the air
so it felt wonderful. Added a glass of wine and then back inside for some fresh fruit and ice cream
for dessert.
Tumbled into bed in an air conditioned room and a hard sleep. Tomorrow we take the short drive to
Tucson for the penultimate day of our journey.
Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
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