Monday, February 24, 2020

Journeys Blog so far - 2/24/20

Blog so far -

This is the first blog post I have created using the actual site that my wonderful children created for me as a 2019 Xmas Gift.  It has taken me some time to get the gist of it as I’m not a great techno-geek, more of a technophobe, really.

We now intend to log our adventures and thoughts on our journeys using this medium and letting you hop on whenever you desire to read what’s happening.  I will send out an email to all of you when we head out for a trip, but beyond that, I won’t be clogging your in-boxes with all the emails and accompanying PDF material as in the past.  All you need do is log on to the Covert Journeys blog ( and read at your leisure.  As I become more familiar with the tools they should take on a more polished look.

If you scroll through the previous 160 posts already on the site, you can go back to when we started this escapade in February 2014, when we journeyed to Ecuador and the Galápagos Islands to visit Darcy during her semester abroad in Quito, Ecuador - you can find these by tapping on the label “Ecuador” in the list along the right side of the screen. Likewise, if you are looking through past postings, you must remember that the most recent post is always at the top; therefore in the aforementioned example of Ecuador, once you have all three on the screen, you must scroll to the bottom to read the first day, then upwards to the next and so on.  Clear? Probably not but you will soon get the hang of it.  As we move forward, we will create labels for each trip. So you can more easily find past trips if you wish.

Credit for posting all of these articles rests with Abigail, who has tirelessly saved each one and figured out a way to post them all to the blog in order to give it some much needed heft. The heft is her choice - the wordiness is all mine, and she should take no blame for that. Almost all photos you will see are taken by Deb (not the one below; that is by Mark,) and most of the heavy editing “do you really want to say that” is also by Deb. If you decide to ramble backward through time, you will see that certain of the trips, China for example, were done entirely by Deb as I was left behind to watch the house.  This is also why the China blogs are demonstrably more humorous than those that Mark writes.

Deb C’s Birthday cake on Friday, 2/21/20, courtesy of Deb D.

Somewhere in the middle of the 160, I began adding photos of our journeys. Unfortunately, Abigail could not find a way to add the photos in her copying.  If we can get them back, we will.  We will however be adding photos as we move forward, as I have figured out (I think) how to accomplish this.  Enjoy our trips; if you don’t want to bother, you now can just stop reading and ignore the single email you will receive each time we head out.  Thanks for reading.

Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024

This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...