July 3, the penultimate day before the 244th celebration of our run to Independence from King George III. As proud as we are to be Americans, we are not real proud of our country right now. We are failing at reining in this pandemic, we are hitting new heights of sickness and death, and all our ruling politicians can talk about is getting the economy running and getting re-elected. Why not solve part of the unemployment by training thousands of contact trackers, and new testers so the nation can get a handle on this? New Zealand has wiped out the disease. Even China, with 1.5 billion people reported only two new cases this past week. We need a cohesive Federal response, but, given the current leadership, cohesive response is not in the cards.
We finished our west garden this week, all done but the planting, and the plants are sitting there, ready to be put in the soil. It turned out just as we had envisioned it. We are surely too proud and looking for the proverbial fall to bring us down to earth. We sit in the evenings on our front porch, sipping our glass of red wine or trying out a dirty martini and a G & T and marvel at our good luck and the wonderful life we have built. Then we think of how our white privilege has benefited us and think of all those not so privileged. The world is changing and we are trying to awaken to the plight of our fellow citizens and all they have endured.
This past week we had a cocktail Zoom with Tom & Kevin, and a family zoom with most of the Coverts. John of course was off not practicing social distancing at a gun shoot, but eventually Lynn and Jessy realized they had to pull the camera cover off of the computer so we all could see them, and were able to join us. The only grandkids in the mix were Emily in Lincoln and Milo in Omaha.
On Saturday, Deb’s book club (Women With Spines) organized a garden walk to view some of the members’ gardens. We looked at four (if we include our own) and ended at Char’s home to view the garden and then enjoy snacks on her rear patio. Very enjoyable way to get out and to see other gardens.
Deb’s original plan to have her Tuesday Night Drinks on someone’s deck for an in-person chat fell apart due to the constant 90º heat that we have been experiencing. It is almost like living in Arizona, each day starts out in the mid 70’s with humidity at 70-85% and then peaks out at 90º to 93º in the late afternoon. No rain, no clouds, just sun and heat.
Marcia and Ted stopped by on Sunday with luscious strawberries and peaches. The purpose of the visit was ostensibly to trade brands of toilet paper, but evolved to a nice conversation with some iced tea on the patio; the fresh fruit was a bonus. Again we dined with our friends the Needelmans on their patio, enjoying a fine Chinese Take-out meal. Thanks Lee & Howie, we treasure our times together. We also this week journeyed around the block to have cocktails with our neighbors Garth & Zoe Highland; fortunately for them but unfortunately for us, their two little treasures, Iris and Esme’ were down for the count and we couldn’t grab and hug them. But Mom and Dad enjoyed some adult time so it was worth it.
Also this week, we completed the remodel of Abigail’s basement so that Darcy can now move down and have a space of her own. We made huge progress on the patio we are building in their backyard and we expect we will have that completed in the coming week, along with the raised beds for the garden. How we have time to relax is becoming a real question. Bread was baked, hundreds of pictures have been sorted in an effort to purge stuff from our basement and the projects just keep coming.
Deb seems to be getting the hang of her “forced” retirement and it may become permanent if traveling is suspended into next year. Maybe that is why she has decided that it is time to go through box after box after box of photos from the last 6 decades. She has found letters from and pictures of old boyfriends which she says she is keeping just so that she can be reminded of how lucky she is to have survived the 70’s! She has thrown thousands of duplicate, triplicate and just plain bad pictures away but still has lots of little piles for many of you reading this so look out! Memories and detritus coming your way!
As always, keep washing your hands, mask up, and stay safe.
Friday, July 3, 2020
Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...

The end of another month. We started this pandemic string in March; now we are seven and on-half months in and there is no end in sight. At ...
Saturday, October 21 dawns as a warm and leaf dropping day. We are packed and ready to leave home by 9:00 and darling Darcy arrives 3 minute...
Monday 2-17-2014 Up at 4:40 AM; none slept too well. Had coffee quickly and one-hour ride to the airport, arriving at 7:00 AM. Stood on l...