Friday, September 25, 2020

Omaha Pandemic, Friday, September 25, 2020

Another week has flown by. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the iconic heroine, Notorious RBG, human rights champion, Supreme Court Justice, has left us. This loss feels like a hole in the fabric of our world. Thank you, Ruth, for all you have done and trying to stay with us as long as possible.

The passing of RBG set off a round of blatant hypocrisy on the part of the sycophant Republican Party that is vomitous. Trump is now steadily spewing his lies, setting up his followers to doubt the results of the upcoming election, refusing to agree that, should he lose, a peaceful transition of power, the bedrock of our democracy, would occur. We now fear for our country, which we love, which we have served, and into which we have delivered our children and grandchildren. We are outraged at the continuous lying and self dealing. We have been frequent travellers to foreign countries, meeting many people and places we have enjoyed; we now must face the fact that we have lost the respect of so many countries and their citizens. Our international reputation is in tatters, our word on the world stage is worthless, our treaties and alliances, crafted over decades, generations and centuries are in a shambles - all due to one egomaniacal third rate talk show host and real estate developer who built his career on cheating his partners, his venders, his countrymen. Every week, from now until the election we will be urging you to vote, and vote early and securely. This cannot continue.

It was a typically busy week for us. Friday started with Mark’s appointment with the Orthopaedic Surgeon. He is now scheduled for full hip replacement on his left side - October 8.  Look for an exciting report that week!

 Saturday, Mark journeyed to the Extension office to help in the Nebraska State Arboretum plant sale. Due to the pandemic, the sale was held on line and buyers then came to the Extension office to pick up their purchases. Mark’s job, while suitably masked, was to deliver their boxes of purchases to the buyers’ vehicle. A lot of walking for a guy who is staring at a hip replacement. But he is a Master Gardener, not a master genius! Family Zoom meeting was uneventful - no exciting news, but we did take part separately on our phones from Abigail’s house, Deb sitting on the front porch, and Mark sitting on the patio, not because we can’t get along but for muting of the feedback.

We again dined with the Duggan’s at our favourite neighborhood bar patio, Tracks, on Monday.  Tuesday Deb had virtual book club.  The book was Lincoln in the Bardo which she loved but she was in the minority.  Wednesday we dined at the Needelman patio with Ann and Don Hosford. We all remained socially distanced while Howie served us huge steaks from the grill and Lee provided tasty Hasselback potatoes, Deb provided a Greek style salad with Abigail’s homegrown produce, Mark contributed a couple of freshly baked baguettes, Ann provided a loaf of whole grain homemade bread and she brought the ice cream for dessert.  A lovely feast in a beautiful backyard setting with glorious weather.

Thursday Glenda was in Omaha and stopped by Abigail’s house while we were putting finishing touches on our projects. Thursday was also Deb’s drinks night, this time on Deb Duggan’s patio.

Our tomato harvest is coming to an end but Deb got 27 tomatoes on Weds and there are still more ripening.  Tomato sauce and lots of salads are still on our menu as well as fobbing them off on unsuspecting friends! Mask up, stay safe, keep washing your hands, and Vote!

Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024

This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...