Now we are into the second year of our pandemic adventure. The big story this past week has been the weather in the Great Plains. The weekend was cold but sunny. By Monday, the daytime temps were in the mid 70º range and stayed that way through Wednesday. However, on Wednesday the winds picked up, gusting to as much as 40 mph in the late afternoon. The ensuing cool front moved in overnight on Wednesday, ushering in clear skies, a little wind, and temps peaking in the mid 50º range with lows dipping into the low thirties. It looks nice and makes one want to get out into the garden, but it is way too early. Luckily we have begun to receive the garden porn (seed and flower catalogs) in the mail to let us drool over what we hope it will all look like in a few months.
.Saturday and Sunday the contractor was here to finish the drywall installation in the basement. We now await the next phase, the guy to tape and apply the mud to all the seams This will be the longest and messiest part of the job - dust and more dust.
Abigail received delivery of her new washer/dryer combo this week, and Darcy was quick at work catching up on laundry. Nice to have machines that work and not take two hours to complete a single load. Mark met the plumber there this week for a quick repair and hung a picture for them while the plumber completed his work.
A side benefit was Mark’s haircut by our in-house stylist on their new rear deck. Deb went over there this week also and delivered a fire pit kit we had found on a Menard’s visit this past weekend.
With the better weather, we had an opportunity to dine out with friends. Monday evening we met Deb and Tim Duggan at the local tavern patio for cheeseburgers, a couple of “Dirty” martinis and beer. The occasion was to celebrate Tim’s impending birthday on the 9th of March, his 78th. Deb noted that Tim is now officially her oldest living friend. There are those no longer with us though. We received word on Thursday of the passing of old friend Sally Lusk who had moved to Maryland to be closer to her children after the passing of her husband a few years ago. Sally was a character, but a loving and faithful one. Memories of her will live on for a long time. Especially the time that she and Deb were on a trip to Russia when Sally was set upon by street urchins who tried to steal her purse. They were scary but unsuccessful as Sally had her purse hidden in her voluminous jean skirt that was a staple for her travels. Also, an American living in Moscow saw the attack and sprayed pepper spray on the little darlings and, unfortunately, Sally. She was so happy about being saved she didn’t mind. She will be missed in the Covert household.
Sunday evening Deb tried a new recipe of cauliflower soup, using some of her stash of homemade chicken broth, some bacon for topping and plenty of vegetables and spices. It proved to be a “keeper” and will show on the menu again soon. This actually lasted for two evening meals. Tuesday we dined on Asian take-out with our friends Lee and Howie Needelman on their beautiful patio as we watched the sunset. It is so good to be able to see and visit in person with friends again. All have had at least one round of vaccine and a few have received both already. The end of fearing the pandemic is in site, although we expect to be living with masks and social distancing for many months or years to come.
Wednesday we stayed in but had a good, healthy meal of asparagus spears, baked potato and a thick pan fried pork chop, perfectly cooked. All washed down with our favorite red beverage. A mellow day and a mellow meal. Deb has rediscovered Cheerios for breakfast with blueberries and says she feels like it is summer already. Apparently, isolation has done her in.
Thursday afternoon Mark made some baguettes and Deb picked up some homemade tomato sauce from Abigail so we dined in the Italian mode with pasta, fresh bread, a salad and some more red beverages.
Friday, Mark will take part in two Zoom classes for his Master Gardener series, and we will again enjoy a Zoom cocktail hour with Kevin and Tom from Tucson. Tom is recovering from rotator cuff surgery this week but should still manage to enjoy his cocktails, - he is ambidextrous we are told, not a two fisted drinker!
We still remind you to wash your hands, stay distanced and wear your masks. If you have not yet gotten on the vaccine list, please do so ASAP. We want to see you soon in person.