Another week under our belts, together with Eggs Benedict, bread, cookies, chicken, pasta, wine, martinis and so much more. Exercise seems like a thing of the past - but it must come back if we are to survive. This week we completed another Covert Family Zoom meeting with all adults and one grandchild. Then, Saturday evening, we indulged in a Nebraska/Texas Zoom cocktail meeting with friends in Lincoln, downtown Omaha and Lubbock Texas. Not people we see on a regular basis, so much to catch up on. Good to spend some cheer time. We will have another Zoom Cocktail meeting with our friends Kevin and Tom from their home in Tucson Arizona. Tom is recovering from last week’s hip replacement so we are anxious to hear how it is coming.
Weather this week in Omaha is marginally better, still cool and cloudly with a little smattering of rain. Deb went plant shopping at least twice this week and the plants are piling up in line, screaming to get in the dirt and begin the growing season. The lawn was mowed twice in the week as spring is the time to go, grow and mow. The rabbit population has decided that our rear garden is a personal smorgasbord with tasty morsels to munch in all day long. We are feeling a real affinity with Elmer Fudd - our latest hapless hero. Still looking for a pellet gun to take out a few of these ‘wascaly wabbits!’
Tuesday was Deb’s Tuesday Drinks Night Zoom and for the first time, all five participants were able to get on line and join in the “fun.” Still looking forward to a real life Tuesday Drinks Night in the not too distant future.
Wednesday evening we hosted our friends Deb and Tim Duggan for a cocktail IRL (in real life,) again sitting in the rear garden and socially distanced. Deb Duggan brought some delicious asparagus en crote hot from her oven - yummy. We treated Deb to a Gin & Tonic and Tim to a “hard” root beer. It is so good to have actual real people to see and converse with.
We had another real life encounter set for Thursday with friends Lee & Howie, but alas, Mark’s lower back went haywire and after a quick trip to the chiropractor, we decided to cancel; the threat of rain and storms had something to do with the cancellation, too. We sat for a bit on the front porch and watched as the sun came out, making a mockery of our wimpy ways and the weatherman at the same time.
The week ended with Deb suiting up in her overalls and getting out to plant some of the myriad flora she bought. It is really looking wonderful and the cool damp spring has brought the greenery to a peak. There is forecast of sun next week so we will see if it shines. John and Lynn’s daughter Jessy, together with her husband Alex and son Milo, have arrived for an extended stay with John and Lynn. Unfortunately, driving from Chicago, they are taking the very safe precaution of self-quarantining for fourteen days so we won’t be able to see them for a while. Maybe a local Zoom. We can see about adding them to the Saturday Covert Family Zoom if they are game.
Nebraska announced today that they were opening up even further on June 1. Bars and Lounges can now open with up to 50% capacity and concerts and events of up to 3,000 can occur, assuming that social distancing can be maintained. Dances, carnivals, midways and street dances are still forbidden. Parades are allowed if people remain in their vehicles. This is all so complicated. The four Nebraska counties containing the meat packing and slaughter facilities are still to remain in close lockdown. We fully expect the cases of COVID 19 to skyrocket upward in the next few weeks, so we will continue to maintain our personal quarantine and make careful trips to the grocery, nurseries and chiropractor. A curious note, only Mark and the chiropractor had face masks; none of the other staff or patients were wearing!
Old and vulnerable are we! We will mask and glove up, stay home and hope each of you can stay safe and keep washing those hands.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...

The end of another month. We started this pandemic string in March; now we are seven and on-half months in and there is no end in sight. At ...
Saturday, October 21 dawns as a warm and leaf dropping day. We are packed and ready to leave home by 9:00 and darling Darcy arrives 3 minute...
Monday 2-17-2014 Up at 4:40 AM; none slept too well. Had coffee quickly and one-hour ride to the airport, arriving at 7:00 AM. Stood on l...