Nine Weeks! How did it come to this? We are glad to announce that, as of our testing On Wednesday May 20 at 2:00, we were both negative as to the coronavirus! It appears our masking up and washing hands and social distancing has been successful so far. We don’t intend to let our guard down.
On Friday past we had an enjoyable Zoom Happy hour with Tom and Kevin in Tucson. Good to see them and to report that Tom is recovering well from hip replacement, he has now graduated to a cane from the walker and Kevin has not yet pushed him down any steps in frustration. Hang in there Kevin! Oh Yeah, good progress Tom!!
On Saturday we again had a family Zoom, this time joined by the Coverts in Lincoln, the Coverts at John’s house, and included Milo, Jessy and Alex, who are settling in with John and Lynn for the duration. Good to see them and looking forward to visiting with them in person after their 14 day traveling quarantine is over. Maybe a socially distanced cook-out on our back patio. Deb & Mark were at Abigail’s house, so joined in on their phones rather than in front of the iPad. The iPad is definitely easier to manage, all the screens are visible and there is no need to switch from screen to screen. This technology stuff is getting harder and harder as we age. Didn’t we used to be the cool kids?
For the Memorial Day holiday, Deb made a small batch (five pounds of potatoes, a dozen eggs, one onion, etc.) of her world famous potato salad; also some rhubarb crisp using some of Abigail’s garden rhubarb. Abigail joined us and made a fresh garden salad with tomatoes, onions, green and red bell peppers and a lemon and oil dressing that was very refreshing. It was topped with home made toasted pita chips. We grilled some burgers and dined inside, due to the rain. You are not real a grill aficionado if you haven’t stood outside in the rain, under an umbrella, turning burgers over a smokey grill. Mark qualifies.
Tuesday was a big day: Dell and Karen Sennentz 52nd anniversary (noteworthy as Mark was there as a head shaved best man.) Then an Extension Class Lunch & Learn via Zoom on wasps and bees, followed by Tuesday Drink Night and Deb’s book club. Both of the last two also were conducted via Zoom. The Zoom application seems to be central to our life style now. Between Zoom, What’s Ap and FaceTime, our world has turned virtual - IRL (in real life) seems such a memory, slowly dimming into the past.
Wednesday was shopping day and COVID 19 test day. This is not a nasal swab, but rather a deep dive, as the swab extends past your nasal cavities into your upper throat cavity. Then it is twisted or swirled 10 times and withdrawn. All you can do is hang onto your steering wheel and not move for fear the nurse will puncture your brain. At least they give you a free Kleenex when they are done to blot your upper lip. No blood and we were in and out (no pun intended) within 5 minutes. Test results are back within 72 hours, hence our negative status on Wednesday afternoon. Of course, by the time one receives the result, one may already have picked up the virus somewhere else.
As Omaha is slowly opening up and next week the bars will be at 50% capacity, we expect to see a rapid rise in COVID afflicted humans. The bars in Council Bluffs, across the Missouri River, opened on Wednesday. Reports are that no one was wearing a mask, neither employees nor patrons, so we expect the same result here. Parties have already been broken up at venues, bands playing, people drinking and carousing and no social distancing in evidence. If you are young, you are invulnerable and not to concerned if all the old people die off. More for the remaining masses.
Thursday was finally a partly sunny day - the lawn got mowed and Deb planted a sizeable share of the plants she purchased. No we just need to find a cure for the rabbit population explosion we are experiencing. Thursday evening we conducted another in person cocktail and pizza hour with our friends Ann & Don Hosford, in our back garden. Wine and pizza, together with a home made salad and a dessert of ice cream, really hit the spot - friends in real life is so much better. This Friday landed with perfect weather for a change, 75F, no rain, and plenty of sunshine.
Deb went to Abigail’s to help Darcy establish her vegetable garden. Tonight we will enjoy each other’s company, grill som hot dogs and finish off the last of the potato salad. Enjoy your week, keep washing those hands and WEAR YOUR MASK!!
Friday, May 29, 2020
Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...

The end of another month. We started this pandemic string in March; now we are seven and on-half months in and there is no end in sight. At ...
Saturday, October 21 dawns as a warm and leaf dropping day. We are packed and ready to leave home by 9:00 and darling Darcy arrives 3 minute...
Monday 2-17-2014 Up at 4:40 AM; none slept too well. Had coffee quickly and one-hour ride to the airport, arriving at 7:00 AM. Stood on l...