Friday, June 12, 2020

Omaha Pandemic, Friday, June 12, 2020

June one-two. Today would have been  the 97th birthday of Edwin Busk Covert I. Memories come flooding back, mostly good, some not so good, but all the memories form his life in our minds. We can’t help but wonder how he would have come down about our great leader; one can only hope that even his strong Republican mind-set would see what a debacle our country is in, and maybe added his voice to the dissent. That is a warming thought.

The marching and turmoil of this week has been historical. The thought of military force being brought to the peaceful marchers and protesters has us nearly apoplectic. This time, if we each resolve to change our attitude and push back the fears that have been ingrained in us, maybe we can actually make progress. We at 6208 Pierce Street are certainly going to try.

Saturday morning, Mark spent over at Abigail’s, assisting (more like watching and occasionally handing a tool) to our electrician neighbor and friend Tom Babb as he rewired the basement room for lighting in the remodel project going on. Saturday evening, we enjoyed our now standard Covert family Zoom conference call.  All seemed well, grandson Christopher is headed off on a cross-country vacation this week, ending at Ed’s home in North Hollywood.  On the return trip he promises to take the northern route through Omaha on I-80 to stop and see the local family. Safe travels Chris. Also Saturday evening we visited our friends Deb and Tim Duggan for a cocktail and dinner on their back patio.  Due to the temperature still in upper 90’s, we migrated inside around the dining room table for our meal of
Salads, bread, curried rice and dessert.  All accompanied by some nice wine and conversation.

We again dined on our favorite Eggs Benedict for Sunday morning brunch as we completed the ever worthy Omaha World Herald and tried to plow our way through the New York Times. Then over to Abigail’s where all hands turned out to cut and place the ceiling insulation for sound control in the basement room.  Now we wait for the drywall crew to arrive this coming Saturday to put up the new ceiling. During the week, Darcy and Deb went to NFM to order carpeting for the room. The project is coming together rather quickly. Now we order the closet doors and finish the painting before the carpet arrives.  Great progress.

We also spent more time working on the patio and vegetable garden taking shape in Abigail’s rear yard.  This week we ordered the stone for the patio to be delivered, together with the sand and edging.  More work in the heat coming up next week it looks like.

Tuesday, Mark joined his Hospice House Gardeners to plant an Eastern Redbud tree in memory of Jerry Warner, one of the master Gardening crew, who died of Pancreatic cancer earlier this spring. A solemn but still joyful event, as we remembered some Jerry stories and, along with his wife Barb, all threw some shovelfuls of dirt to plant the tree.

On Wednesday we finally had some moisture, almost two inches in a long steady rain that lasted all day.  Still short for the year but it did go a ways to catching up, however the forecast is  more dry weather over the next 10 days, so we will keep an eye on all our plantings. We made progress this week on our planned western garden entry into the rear yard. We planted two Arbor Vitae and completed the digging for the foundation settings for the metal arbor. Mark spent a few hours studying the drawings and putting all the nuts and bolts in the correct places so that we could set the arbor up and make sure it would fit in its planned spot.  All looks good for next week as the crew we have hired will be in to level the area, put down a base, and then the compacted gravel that will form the walkway of the area. Very exciting for us to finally get this vision closer to completion.

Our rear garden is coming into bloom this week, roses have popped and the lilies are all starting to open, at least those that haven’t been mowed down by those murderous rodents with long ears and fluffy tails.

Today we picked up sand for Abigail’s patio project and delivered the stones we had purchased earlier in the week.  Tonight we will jump on the Zoom stage to enjoy a cocktail with Kevin and Tom in Tucson. Hopefully, they will be either inside in the air conditioning, or lounging in the pool with refreshments at their finger tips. Stay safe, keep washing those hands and keep the masks in place.


Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024

This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...