OK- now ten weeks in and still standing. Not a quiet week, either here in Omaha or around the country. As if the COVID 19 wasn’t enough, unfit constabulary in Minneapolis managed a killing of George Floyd, a black man, that set off lingering and deep seated unrest throughout our nation, stretching around the world to cities as far afield as London, Paris, and Berlin. Here in Omaha, a crowd of protesters with some vandals mixed in, set off a confrontation in our Old Market area that resulted in another young black man being killed. Although the original ruling was self defense by the white, gun toting, bar owner, a Grand Jury is now going to be called to investigate the incident. The outrage of the nation is correct, we have too long allowed our white complacency to lead to the deaths of black and minority citizens - their outrage is well placed and we are chagrined and embarrassed at our past. We support the protests and while we abhor the vandalism, we urge everyone NOT to judge this necessary fight by the opportunism of a few in the crowd. Do not forget the much, much bigger picture of systemic racism embedded in the culture of the United States. The 1960’s and 1970’s are back to visit it seems!
Last Friday night, we watched the movie Lincoln, as Mark had never seen it. The prejudices and stupidity of the 1860’s are still with us. If only we had a leader of the near caliber of Lincoln instead of the current chump, who matches every action to his grandiose feeling of superiority and entitlement - us against them, and decides he is going to rule by force. I see revolution coming, if not in person, at least at the ballot box in November. No doubt, as he is losing, he will claim it is rigged and all false news. The uprising will really occur if he refuses to leave office and must be forcefully removed. Tough and scary times.
We spent most of our mornings this week at Abigail’s house, helping Darcy to create a large vegetable garden location as well as digging an area for a 12 x 12 patio, using the removed dirt from the patio location to build up the garden area. In addition, we are converting the basement room into a larger bedroom for Darcy to use, and thereby allow Abigail to spread her knitting and craft projects into the other upstairs bedroom. A busy time, with exhaustion each evening.
We did manage to enjoy some non zoom time - one evening we walked to our friends Zoë and Garth Highland's’ home to enjoy a cocktail on their back patio. We also joined Lee and Howie Needelman on their patio for cocktails and carry-out Asian cuisine. Deb’s zoom cocktail hour went off with out a hitch, although one member was absent for unknown reasons. Evidently, unnamed persons falling asleep on the sofa before the appointed time is an unknown reason. As we look back, it is obvious that our social life was real busy this week.
We are also taking part in the Will Cather Foundation Spring event, although virtually. Very enjoyable and educational. Thanks to current Foundation president and BFF Glenda Pierce for turning us on to the event and encouraging us to participate. Another highlight of the week was to get Sushi the cat and Harry, the dog into the groomer’s this week. Neither was too excited, but they sure look better to our eyes.
The weather in Omaha turned to normal Nebraska hot this week, with temperatures springing into the low to mid 90’s each day. The rains are now gone and we are beginning to water regularly. Most plantings are in, and the plants the rabbits have not attacked seem too be doing well; there are a few to get into the ground for this weekend.
This weekend should be quiet as we finish up some projects at Abigail’s and relax a bit on our own back patio. We don’t really seem to miss the go, go, go of the pre-pandemic days; the nightly curfews caused by the continuing unrest are disheartening, but, as we don’t go anywhere at night anyway, it doesn’t affect us although our night at Needelmans did bump up on the 8:00 time limit as we hustled home; it was time for us to take a bath room break anyway. Stay safe and keep washing your hands!
Friday, June 5, 2020
Friday, November 8 through Sunday, November 10, 2024
This morning we needed to finish off the rest of the food supplies we laid in at the beginning of the week. Mark prepared the final Full Eng...

The end of another month. We started this pandemic string in March; now we are seven and on-half months in and there is no end in sight. At ...
Saturday, October 21 dawns as a warm and leaf dropping day. We are packed and ready to leave home by 9:00 and darling Darcy arrives 3 minute...
Monday 2-17-2014 Up at 4:40 AM; none slept too well. Had coffee quickly and one-hour ride to the airport, arriving at 7:00 AM. Stood on l...